May 8, 2016

Find Where Data Is Hiding - Guest Blogger Kelly Mank

Think you don’t have enough data to drive personalized print marketing programs? To boost your targeting and personalization efforts, maybe you need to invest in data gathering or purchasing third-party list. Or maybe — just maybe — you have more data than you think.

Let’s look at some of the many types of data that can get overlooked. 
•    Transactional Data. This includes both brick-and-mortar and from the online store.
•    Submissions through Web Contact Forms.
•    Customer Care (found in your CRM system)
•    Business Reply Cards.  Too often, your BRCs are left at the fulfillment house and the valuable information that can be obtained from them is left unused. 
•    SMS/Cell Phone Marketing Contacts. If you have a standalone system, get that information out of your text marketing solution and back into your CRM. 
•    Responses to e-mail Campaigns. Like text messaging, these data need to get back into your marketing database so what you learn through email contacts can be integrated into your direct mail and other channels, too. 
•    Trade Shows / Events. Get those “card swipe” responses back into your system after post-show follow-up! 
•    Customer and Prospect Surveys.

Aggregating the data from these disparate sources will give you a more well-rounded picture of your customers and target audience. This data can be cleaned up, de-duped, and filled in if necessary so that you can use it to create more relevant communications and drive sales.

If you need help locating or integrating data from all of these disparate sources, give us a call. We can help!

Kelly Mank
President, Time4 Printing
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May 2, 2016

The Media(s) of 2016 Were Well Predicted Back in 2004's "Epic 2014".

Loved the EPIC videos from the early 2000s. It really was an amazing media predictions from 2004; The companies may not be named (because they did not exist yet), but the occurrences are uncanny. Careful with the timeline as it goes from history to future(fiction) in 2004.
Maybe this explains why our media leans so far, while our opinions tend to be more issue oriented and finally, our politicians (many) fall into the center actually afraid to make a mistake, thus avoiding making decisions that get things done.
Bottom line, I believe today's media, when taken in balance, makes (the) US more informed decision makers. The key is, like in life, balance...

Watch this video; "Epic 2014" ... It's eery.

Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell) 
512-593-8830 (in Austin) 

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