July 16, 2015

Real Estate Agents - Best Marketing Practices - Best Business Increasing Practices

Local and Localization is about sustainability and no group defines Local better than Real Estate Agents and Brokers.  This creates unique opportunities for agents and brokers to market themselves and marker their brand.  Remember, even though the product is the home, it's the agent that we hire.

Because Your Customers
are your Neighbors
In Real Estate, the Cost of Customer Acquisition is high whether it is for a listing or for a buyer - much higher when you consider the time invested to both obtain the client and maintain / service the client (time is a real cost).  Agents and brokers market themselves in many ways - each serving a different purpose.

Internet and Social Media - A necessary evil.  MLS, Zillow, brokerage website and your own website are all things you need to get going.  There is plenty of help available as these are the easy ones to begin your business venture.  People may also "check you out" on Yelp or Facebook.  High labor cost - low direct / measurable return is the norm from Internet marketing.  I don't want to underplay this; your Internet presence is required in supporting your brand - ask me why (for another article).

EDDM with a Call to Action
Direct Mail - EDDM (USPS Every Door Direct Mail) has the highest return for real estate agents, but is the most overlooked.  Let's analyze a few scenarios. EDDM, if you are unaware, is a USPS service that give you the capability to target, not only Local, but a neighborhood - making YOU a neighbor.  NO mail list, or cost of a mail list, required.!  What better return can you have; Retail EDDM is inexpensive in that it is less than HALF first class postage rates, and your message touches all the homes around the one you just listed or sold.  It's targeted by the mail carrier route that your listing is within.  It contains a very custom message about THAT LISTING.  It contains a "call to action" on that house ("Open House on Sunday, June 3rd from 1-3 PM).  It contains a message about YOU.  YOUR SELLER WILL LOVE THIS.  Neighbors will visit your open house (because it's in the neighborhood (Curiosity)) and you will meet a lot of people - isn't that what the real estate business is about?  Does this generate some ideas?

EDDM is also a very cost effective way to introduce yourself to the neighborhoods you want to specialize  - the neighborhoods where you are an expert.

Return on EDDM marketing is huge.

Referral Marketing - This one is not a new concept in the real estate business and is definitely the big winner.  Your good relationships (goodwill) with local mortgage companies, banks, the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses will put you on their referral list

So how can you add to your referral marketing opportunities and returns?  Do some proactive referral marketing.
  1. Everyone you know (have touched) at mortgage companies, banks and The Chamber of Commerce should have a referral card - one custom to themselves.  Why?  First, because it is also about them, thus they are more likely to use it.  Second, you can measure the return.  Provide some sort of motivation to each side - a home evaluation, free local packet of info /coupons (from friends) to prospective clients and maybe a referral  reward to your referrers / friends.  I purposely use the word "Friends" here - "we all like to do business with people we like" first.
  2. Referral Cards
    On the sale / buy of a home, print a set of thank you / referral cards / announcement cards that are specific to that client - One with their big smile and the words "The Williams New Home"; these will go everywhere.  Your referral card will go from your customer, to their friends and colleagues.  Remember, include a call to action  - several - about both you and the new homeowners:
    "Directions to The Williams New Home".  Cool approach, huh.
  3. Possibly the most important task you have to improve your referral selection: Be Part of the Community - Be a Recognized Face = Be a Recognized Smile.
Call Me for advice - We Consult and We Build your referral program.  We Print and we will measure (count your money) if you like..

Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell) 
512-593-8830 (in Austin)
EDDM and Referral Marketing Programs
are Services Provided by all LightsOn / Time4 offices.
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July 15, 2015

Business Cards - What Information Should it Contain and Not Contain - Some History First

Let's talk about the future of the business card, but to understand it, the history of the business card comes into play.

Business Cards existed before the phone thus early business cards would have name, company, mailing address, title and usually some tag line about the product being solicited.  The term "Traveling Salesman" was coined - They would travel with Business Cards and order forms so people could reorder product after the salesman left.  Imagine the pace of business - a snails pace compared to today.  Business Cards were printed with a process called "relief letterpress" - one sided, one color at a time and one up - that is the reason most real old cards were one color - Black.  Every feature would double the cost of the business card.  Back then we saved business cards out of necessity; we even treasured them.  Business Cards were also the icebreaker, the grease that made it easier to introduce ourselves - not much different then today.

Let's move the clock forward about 100 years - the early 1980s - about when I was starting my career.  Cards were still pretty much one or two color and one sided, but now they contained a telephone number (for about 90 years).  Business cards were still printed relief letterpress, but efficiencies were being played. Gang printing similar cards was common so to reduce production costs by as many cards as you could put together ( 4-up would reduce production costs by 75%).  Multiple spot colors, logotypes and raised printing (Faux Embossing) was common on most Business Cards.  Everyone had a business card; we still saved and distributed business cards out of necessity.

A few years ago, I was talking about the printing business with a tech CEO friend of mine.  I stated that "even the business card has a limited life - look at all the cool apps on our smart phone that allow us to share contact information" (remember bump?).  His response to me was not what I expected - "We hire a lot of kids out of Stanford, Berkley, the Ivy schools . . . The first question they all ask after getting hired is 'where do I get my business cards'".  This made me think of my first set if business cards - they made me real and legitimate.  They still do today.  They are what we lead with - they open the conversation - they do it with a little grease.  We did so with prowess.

Bring on today - you can print anything on your business card;  full color, two sided, pictures - anything.  Your card has become a mini brochure.  You can do so at a much lower cost (inflation adjusted) than could be done 140 years ago, or even 30 years ago.  Today, there is so much more information we want to get out: Email addresses, Website URLs, Cell Number, Fax Numbers (why, I do not know), etc, etc...

OK, So Finally the Gist of this Article.
So, what should be on a business card today?  Name, title, cell, company phone, mailing address, some slick tag line (The Makers of Quality American Made Widgets) and finally pictures, maybe of you on the front (maybe not) and your product(s) on the back (Maybe).

So, what should NOT be on a business card today?  Your website URL.  Your website is to get you found - you have already been found.  Sending a prospect and/or client  to your website only introduces them to competition and alternatives to you - be careful.  Yes, there are many exceptions to this - there may even be the need for alternate cards.  Maybe you put your Facebook page or your Twitter name - all better then a web URL (IMHO).  Evaluate your situation and how your cards are used / perceived - and how you want them used and perceived.  Remember, they have found you already.  If your client wants your web address, they will ask - If they cannot ask (they will if they need it), they will find it in your email ("Bill@AmericanWidgers.com") - if it is not there (like you are using a GMail address) call me, we need to fix that.

Also, kill the fax number; does anyone still use one?  Does your fax work? Again, there are exceptions (not many).

Its 2015 everybody, let's evolve.

Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell)  
512-593-8830 (in Austin)

We do business all over the Northeast, Austin, South Florida
and in the SF Bay Area (actually Everywhere). 

Marketing Services Provided by all LightsOn / Time4 Offices

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July 13, 2015

Tax Preparer / CPAs - More Sales Forever - Know your "Cost of Customer Acquisition" - Case Three

For independent tax preparers, bookkeepers and CPAs, this is how you can make your business boom.  The public would rather find you (You Are LOCAL) than use the major brand temp office preparer or one of those scary seasonal offices with the curtains in Walmart.

But let's start with knowing your "Cost of Customer Acquisition" - it is important to know.

"Cost of Customer Acquisition" is probably one of the most important pieces of knowledge to have in business.  This tidbit of information makes your small business act very big.  This tidbit of information is what makes businesses grow.  This Tidbit of information is what makes you more money and builds you a business that has asset value (sellable (ahh retirement)).
So let's figure this out.  How do I figure out what my Cost of Customer Acquisition is?  Probably the best way is use some industry averages.  They are available in your profession - attend a marketing seminar (they are at every major business show).  Note, if someone who is selling you marketing, claiming expertise in your business, and can not tell you what your profession's Cost of Customer Acquisition is, they ARE NOT an Expert.

The Tax and Tax Preparation business is heavily seasonal and you want to leverage, not only your own marketing and sales effort, but your competitions as well..

Tax Preparation and Accounting
Your Customers Marry You

Tax Preparation, CPAs and Bookkeepers
Local tax preparers typically have a low Cost of Customer Acquisition.  Most of their business comes from traditional hand-to-hand daytime marketing and referral.  We are assuming you want to grow, so we are going to throw out some ideas.   One real nice thing to remember, when you get a customer, they are typically FOREVER CUSTOMERS returning year after year.  So where should you be?

Internet and Social Media - The Internet and doing SEO are the easy parts for your business; there are a dozen computer geeks in every town that can make this happen for you - just don't over due it.  You are LOCAL, thus Google does most of the work for you (or them).  Social Media doesn't play a big roll either - You maybe should have a closed group for customers and / or an open page for general tips.  A blog is always good to have as well because Local people will find it on their searches ("CPAs in Albany" or even just "CPAs" because Google favors local).

 Note: People will "check you out" on Yelp and Facebook

Direct Mail - YES - EDDM (USPS Every Door Direct Mail) probably has the highest return for Tax Preparers; your clients come back over and over and over - for their lifetime in many cases - retention rates are high.  We have Tax Preparers that spend a large percentage when compared to their first years client fees (seems like a loser, but...) - they know, once the client is in - they are in for life.  Retention rates on someone who walks in the office are 80% to 90%.  The returns on such are almost unbelievable - huge - to big to quote because they are so unbelievable - think about it.  Remember, this is a "Local" Bang-for-the-Buck; there are diminishing returns, but doing once a year makes this a non-issue.  Do EDDM in surrounding neighborhoods, LOCAL to you .  Another nice thing is that this is a once-a-year event - December / January.

Referral Card
Referral Marketing - This is a no-brainer.  Your good relationships (goodwill) with local people and businesses gets you referrals.

So what can you do to help this referral marketing along?  Do some proactive referral marketing.
  1. Each client, on each visit, should walk away with a hand full of referral cards.  Those cards should reward the referred with some monetary incentive to come see you first;  "$$$ toward your Consult (remember, they come back year after year)".  In addition, the referrer needs to be rewarded with some credit as well (make it worthwhile) such as $10 for new clients (remember, they don't spend it till Next Year).  Clients will grab extra cards and give them out to all their friends for the sake of saving a few dollars (repeat - Next Year).  If you are  a bookkeeper or a CPA, you are likely to get a few business clients out of this as well.
  2. Possibly the most important task you have to improve your referral selection: Be Part of the Community - Be a Recognized Face = Be a Recognized Smile.
We will set up the complete program for increasing your business.

Call Me for advice - We Consult, we Print, and we will measure (count your money) if you like..

Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell) 
512-593-8830 (in Austin)

We do business all over the Northeast, Austin, South Florida and in the SF Bay Area. 
Referral Marketing services provided by all LightsOn / Time4 offices.

  Connect to me on LinkedIn
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July 10, 2015

What is your "Cost of Customer Acquisition" - The Orthodontist

"Cost of Customer Acquisition" is probably one of the most important pieces of knowledge to have in business.  This tidbit of information makes your small business act very big.  This Tidbit of information is what makes businesses grow.  This Tidbit of information is what makes you more money and builds you a business that has asset value (sellable (ahh retirement)).
So let's figure this out.  How do I figure out what my Cost of Customer Acquisition is?  Probably the best way (aside from hiring an expensive consultant - which I DO NOT Recommend) is use some industry averages.  They are available in your profession - attend a marketing seminar (they are at every Dental Trade Show).  Note, if someone who is selling you marketing, claiming expertise in your business, and can not tell you what your profession's Cost of Customer Acquisition is, they ARE NOT an Expert.

In the dental business there are at least two cases: The Dentist - your patients are forever; The Orthodontists - your patients are mostly single purpose.

Orthodontists Live or Die
on Referrals and Reputation

This Article Addresses Orthodontist        
have a high Cost of Customer Acquisition. The service they provide is expensive (per customer) and has a high gross margin all within a time compressed dental service.  Orthodontists  need to market themselves in many different ways - each serving a purpose.

Internet and Social Media - A NECESSITY.  The Internet and doing SEO are the easy parts; there are a dozen computer geeks in every town that can make this happen for you - just don't over due it.  You are LOCAL, thus Google does most of the work for you.  Social Media, is a different animal though.

Let's use our customers and brag, in pictures, about our product.  You want to get permission to post (or not post) pictures of your finished work; the kids will love it and as far as seeing before and afters, once you get the ball rolling, the patients (kids) will post them as well (and for you).  Make sure they TAG your practice's Facebook page (your staff will need to ask them to do that).
 People will "check you out" on Yelp, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
This is a high labor cost - high indirect / difficult to measurable return; the nice thing here is that you probably have an expert in the office already playing on Social Media during their work day - embrace it.  Done right, social media will make your local brand.

EDDM, not so for Orthodontists
Direct Mail - Unlike dentists, EDDM (USPS Every Door Direct Mail) does not provide the "Lifetime" return to the Orthodontist.  Your patients hopefully never come back and, as far as their siblings, their parents will never forget you. That said, we have Orthodontists that do EDDM, but not with the frequency or return that Dentists enjoy.  When Orthodontist's do EDDMs, the mailing still needs a hook - that free evaluation or a consult.

Referral Card
Referral Marketing - This one is not a new concept to Orthodontists and is definitely the big winner.  Your good relationships (goodwill) with other local Dentists gets you on their referral short list.  Your objective now is to be the one picked from that referral short list.

So what can you do to be the one picked (from that short list of 3 or 4)?  Do some proactive referral marketing.
  1. Each patient, on each visit, should walk away with a hand full of referral cards.  Those cards should reward the referred with some monetary incentive to come see you first;  "$50 toward your Consult and analysis".  In addition, the referrer needs to be rewarded with some credit as well (make it worthwhile) such as $10 for new consults and $50 for new patients.  Parents will grab extra cards and force their kids to pass them out.
  2. After the patients braces are removed, print a set of referral cards that are specific to that patient - One with their big smile and the words "Erin's New Smile - By Dr. Thomas, DDS"; these will go everywhere.  This may seem self-serving (to me here), but this is far less expensive than any promotional toy you give out.  Your referral card will go from your patient, to their friend to their parents.  Cool approach, huh.
  3. Possibly the most important task you have to improve your referral selection: Be Part of the Community - Be a Recognized Face = Be a Recognized Smile.
We will set up the complete program for increasing your business.

Call Me for advice - We Consult, we Print, and we will measure (count your money) if you like..

Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell)
512-593-8830 (in Austin)

Referral Marketing services provided by all LightsOn / Time4 offices.

 Connect to me on LinkedIn

Follow me on Twitter

Add me to Your Google+ Circles

July 9, 2015

What is your "Cost of Customer Acquisition" - The Dentist

"Cost of Customer Acquisition" is probably one of the most important pieces of knowledge to have in business.  This tidbit of information makes your small business act very big.  This Tidbit of information is what makes businesses grow.  This Tidbit of information is what makes you more money and builds you a business that has asset value (sellable (ahh retirement)).
So let's figure this out.  How do I figure out what my Cost of Customer Acquisition is?  Probably the best way (aside from hiring an expensive consultant - which I DO NOT Recommend) is use some industry averages.  They are available in your profession - attend a marketing seminar (they are at every Dental Trade Show).  Note, if someone who is selling you marketing, claiming expertise in your business, and can not tell you what your profession's Cost of Customer Acquisition is, they ARE NOT an Expert.

In the dental business there are at least two cases: The Dentist - your patients are forever; The Orthodontist - your patients are single purpose.

Because Customers are for Life,
Returns Just Continue to Grow
This article addresses Dentists.
Dentists have a high Cost of Customer Acquisition - sometimes much higher than the charge of an initial visit (which is many times discounted).  Dentists market themselves in many ways - each serving a purpose.

Internet and Social Media - A necessary evil.  People may "check you out" on Yelp or Facebook.  High labor cost - low direct / measurable return.  I don't want to underplay this; your social media presence is required in supporting your brand - ask me why (for another article).

EDDM with a Call to Action
Direct Mail - EDDM (USPS Every Door Direct Mail) probably has the highest return for Dentists; your patients come back over and over and over - for their lifetime in many cases.  We have dentists that spend 500% - 1000% their initial appointment fees (seems like a loser, but...) - they know, once the family is in - they are in for life.  Retention rates on someone who sits in the chair range from 80% to 90%.  The loss leaders are typically a cleaning, x-rays and  /or a heavily discounted initial visit.  The returns on such sound almost unbelievable - well over 10,000% (no typo - ten-thousand percent and I am being conservative).  Remember, this is a "Local" Bang-for-the-Buck; there are diminishing returns.  Do EDDM in a neighborhoods then move on to the next LOCAL neighborhood.  Do not repeat more than once every 4 month to the same neighborhood (every 6 months is better).  Believe it or not, there are even better times of year to do this.

Referral Card
Referral Marketing - On EVERY patient visit, the patient and / or their parent should walk out with a stack of referral cards (business card size).  This referral card should provide an initial visit hook (like the EDDM) and some type of monetary return to the referrer - like a $10 discount for every referred new patient - they will think $100s - you will get new patients for life.  Massive returns and massive branding for your practice - Everyone is a winner.

Call Me for advice - We Consult, we Print, and we will measure (count your money) if you like..

Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell)
772-905-4383 (On the Treasure Coast)
512-593-8830 (in Austin)

EDDM is a services provided by all LightsOn / Time4 offices.
 Connect to me on LinkedIn