"Cost of Customer Acquisition" (CoCA) is an important metric no matter what business you are in. In real estate, where selling could be considered 100% of the time spent, CoCA, and reducing it, is the metric.
There are two very important things to know here:
- 1st - Reducing the CoCA is NOT about reducing costs, its about increating the number of customers with the same dollar.
- 2nd - There is no "right" method of calculating CoCA; choose one of my suggestions from previos blogs (or from this blog) and run with it. The important thing to remember is not to change the way you calculate this metric - It's not the number itself that has meaning, it is the movement of that number over time.

There are many different methods and scenarios to consider and calculate CoCA.
In the case of real estate agents, take all of the out-of-pocket (OOP) costs you have in a year (or any other time frame) and add it to the amount you want to make - your desired income. Then divide it by your new customers (or projected new customers); the result being your Cost of Customer Acquisition - Keep it that simple - KISS it.

Whether your an agent or a broker - know this metric, and measure it in any way you want - just do it the same way every time - be consistant.

If you would like a copy of our findings and results, email me at rleonard@LightsOnGraphics.com - They should be available by October 1, 2016. Only the first 100 will be provided at no cost. Follow me on Twitter for progress reports @T4Leonard.
Quote: "Costs in Marketing should NEVER be about cost; it IS about diminishing returns on the next marketing dollar spent" ~rel
Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell)
512-593-8830 (in Austin)
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell)
512-593-8830 (in Austin)
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