March 9, 2012

Similarities between Mother Nature and Our Economy

Within nature there is the unwritten rule of “Survival of the Fittest”.  During fat times species flourish, populations grow and animals get fat.  Then Mother Nature unleashes her fury; there are Droughts, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Tornadoes, Earth Quakes and Asteroids (Duck) creating despair and a  shortage of food and shelter.  After the fury the strongest, most innovative, most persistent and most prepared survive weeding out the weak and making for a better, stronger balance in nature for the times ahead.  Mother Nature’s Fury repeats itself.  We recognize it as a thinning process and as terrible and cruel as it is, we accept it.

Between 3 and 4 years ago, I was doing volunteer work for SCORE and frequently spoke to small businesses about the difficulty of a recession (Mother Nature’s Fury).  Recessions are about survival for many businesses and those that do survive because they were strong, innovative, persisted and prepared will find there is less competition and more opportunity as the sun begins to shine again.

The sun is shining.

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