Prior to the 1960s, most home town business was locally owned and managed - a time long gone. We remember (some of us) the local pharmacist, the diner, the tailor, the cleaners, the corner store, the local printer, etc... We then experienced a transformation where enterprising individuals (opportunists) expanded their businesses by packaging their business such that it could be sold to individuals looking for opportunities in distant locations. The 1950s and 1960s were the "Wild-Wild-West" era of franchising - minimal regulation and scams in a "buyer-beware" world. The boom in franchising began. Franchising brought us (arguably) consistent quality, business buying power and trusted/recognized brands. With time, regulations from the FTC and its state equivalents made the purchase of a franchise much more transparent if only by making cost-of-entry so much higher.
The Internet era brought new competition; "local" was redefined as being as close as your computer. Regulations ended up not being needed, even though they were frequently brought up and discussed. The Internet (as a market) has evolved into a self-regulated market with minimal government regulation (not making a political argument here). The 1990s and early 2000s were the Internets "Wild-Wild-West" era; today, we have evolved, like franchising evolved, into a market where we have trusted shopping locations, consistent quality and trusted brands.

How is the local printing market similar to this? Next entry...
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