August 27, 2015

Giving Your Customers What They Want - Online vs Brick & Mortar - It is the Same

To often we see websites that first, tell visitors all about themselves - who they are, how long they have been in business and about their owner's background.  In the Brick and Mortar world that would be equivalent to having a customer ask "where are your mattresses?" and you, instead for asking them about 'their' needs and wants (and taking them there), telling them about your qualification and expertise in mattresses.  Sounds kind of foolish from the Brick & Mortar perspective - so then why do we take that approach online?

Websites need to act more like their Grand Fatherly predecessor and take the client directly to the products being asked about - to the "Mattress Department".  In the online world that would be a deep link directly to the mattress pages.

This is just common sense - isn't it?

Deep Linking your SEO and PPC down to the brand and product level will get you both higher conversion rates and less costly PPC.  If someone search "Prince Tennis Rackets" and your sporting goods store comes up, the link should take them to the branded page of and for "Prince Tennis Rackets" - not to your home page.  In the PPC model this also means less expensive searches; which do you think is a more expensive key word search? - "Tennis Rackets" or "Prince Tennis Rackets".  This is also true when you go from the brand level to the product level - both a less expensive click and a buyer that knows what they want. Take them directly to the product and put a big "Buy Me Now" button there as well as a phone number to your local store just in case they want to pick it up now.

Exercise a little common sense in your online marketing plans and efforts.

Marketing and sales have not changed, we just have a few more tools today.

Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell) 
512-593-8830 (in Austin)

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