- Me: "Hi, I'd like to get some pricing on some business cards".
- Staples: "Sure, we have several different types. You can order them online.
- Me: "Wow".
- Staples: "If you need them now, order the "Instant" cards, we do them here".
- Me: "What size are these, I don't like the undersized business cards like from Vista".
- Staples: "Our cards are all standard 2" x 3"."
- Me: "You mean 2" x 3.5"." (thinking she just mis-spoke).
- Staples: "No, our cards are standard size, 2" x 3" (at this point she looks at me and sighs (like saying, 'you see which side of the counter I am on')).
- Me: "No, standard business cards are 2" x 3.5"."
- Staples: "No they are not". (the 'your stupid' look continues).
- Me: "Go grab one, let's measure it - I just want to make sure they are not undersized like Vista cards".
- Staples: As she walks away with a frustrated look, grabs a card and measures - "Oops, we are both wrong, they are 2" x 3.25"." She tosses the card on the counter next to a sample I brought in.
- Me: "That's 2" x 3.5"."
- Staples: With frustration she remeasures and then humbly states: "Oh yea, these ones are 3.5" wide".
- Me: "OK - I'll check the pricing online".
- Staples: "Order the 'Instant ones' if you want them produced here".
- Me: "Bye"
My morning - I must remind myself that this is McDonalds and not Morton's: "NetBetter".
Tried Vistaprint one time... I can do a better job myself using an inkjet printer or laser printer.