May 10, 2015

The Importance of Tweeting in Your SEO Plan.

When selling, there is nothing more important than getting a handshake, but before you get that handshake, you need to be found.  One of the ways for you to do that is to use your website as your virtual business card and brochure.  But how does your website get found?  One of the ways is to get it to appear high, and multiple times organically on Internet search engines through good SEO.

The first thing you need to do is get all the basic SEO stuff done on your website (Tags, good URL names, key words, back links and blog links).  Then, getting on top, especially in competitive online areas (like real estate - like anything today) requires "Relevance". The more relevance you can attach to your website (or a page within your website), the higher, and more frequent, it will appear.  You can create that relevance with Tweets; it's the best way (easiest way) to create relevance.

Tweet example:

What this Tweet does is relate each of the hashtag (#) words with the URL - creating relevance.  Repeat as directed as frequently as you like (couple times a day) and do so for each product page - Relevance!  Leave room in your Tweets for retweets and use a 3rd party product like to shorten the URLs and track your tweet actions.

Remember, don't lose your buyer - link directly to the product page - besides greater relevance you won't lose customer as Clicks Cost Customers (CCC).

Finally, today's Secret SEO Tip:  When Tweeting "local" include your 7 digit phone number in the tweet - Google filters out 10 digit telephone numbers but allows 7 digits to pass and thus appear.

Twitter DOs
Get on Twitter if you’re not already and if you are start using it!
Post unique content on repetitively.
Post frequently, 3-5 times a day is NOT too much.
Include links in your Tweets like you should have already been doing.
Hashtag (#) key words to create relevance to the link in your Tweet
Post images in your Tweets, when it makes sense; they enhance the search result

Twitter DON'Ts
Don’t Get off track and stop posting to Twitter.
Don’t Think that there is little to no benefit to Twitter any longer.
Don’t Forget to optimize your Twitter profile with hashtags and location information.

Do you have a medium-big ticket item/service you sell online (or want to)?  Do you want real SEO (SEO is not a one time service) that will make you more $$$.  Call me: 561-371-4113

Bob Leonard
561-371-4113 (Call My Cell)
512-593-8830 (in Austin)

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